Let's End Misconduct

Two years ago, I was assaulted while sick with a life-threatening infection, and left limping with a head injury, but I was falsely arrested when I called for a civil standby. There is evidence that at least two officers from Bellevue PD conspired in a “meeting of minds” and spoliated, in bad faith, material crime scene photographs that prove that I was brutally assaulted in my own home. These photographs prove that I hid in the bathroom while my attacker battered the door with their body, breaking the handle from the door. I've started a personal hunger strike to protest misconduct in my case, and to raise awareness about the devastating effect misconduct is having on individuals and families across the State of Washington.

Why I'm on Hunger Strike

Because I'm Being Systematically Targeted 
by the City of Bellevue for demanding equal protection under the law despite there being no individual claims made against me.
Because My Fourth and Fifth Amendment Rights were Violated 
when Bellevue PD held me in pretrial detention based on mala fide probable cause obtained through spoliation of material evidence.
Because My Sixth Amendment Rights Were Violated 
when I was prevented from cross-examining statements made by the City's witnesses, that conflict with the City's own discovery material, during a critical motions hearing.
Because I Was Deprived of First Aid, Property, and Home 
thereby eviscerating my health, housing, and financial stability like too many other individuals and families affected by misconduct in Bellevue and beyond.
Because Misconduct Is an Escalating Threat to Every Citizen 
and my case is only one small part of a larger pattern of police misconduct, which is grievously hurting innocent individuals and families across Washington State.
Because Misconduct Is an Institutionalized Pattern or Practice 
by police and prosecutors as highlighted by the Superior Court in State v. Myers (2023), and it won't stop escalating without our help and intervention.
Because Misconduct Presents An Unaffordable Burden to Taxpayers 
that continues to escalate every year, with financial costs rising from $9 million in 2019 to $34 million in 2021, which is both fiscally and morally irresponsible.
This Is an Urgent Plea for the Attorney General 
to investigate and address the systemic issues raised by my case, because immediate action is necessary to protect myself and other marginalized or vulnerable people 👇
👉 Sign the Petition Now

Please add your signature to the petition in order to urge Attorney General Bob Ferguson to exercise his existing statutory authority to investigate this specific incident of police misconduct immediately, and to demonstrate the positive impact comprehensive legislation like HB 1445 can have soon.

Why We Need HB 1445

Because It Strengthens the Attorney General's Authority 
by clarifying and expanding their ability to investigate and take action for violations of the state Constitution and laws. This authority is necessary to address systemic misconduct that isn't adequately addressed under current frameworks.
Because It Fills Gaps in Existing Oversight 
by providing a state-level mechanism to address misconduct that might otherwise go unchecked. While federal agencies like the Department of Justice have the authority to investigate unlawful patterns or practices by law enforcement, their resources are stretched thin across the entire country.
Because It Focuses on Systemic Issues 
by addressing widespread and systematic misconduct within law enforcement agencies rather than isolated incidents. It ensures that there is accountability for agencies that repeatedly violate civil rights, thus preventing future harm.
Because It Complements Existing Reforms 
without duplicating the existing functions of agencies like the Criminal Justice Training Commission or the Office of Independent Investigations. Instead, it adds a necessary layer of oversight by allowing the Attorney General to initiate investigations and collaborate to develop model policies for accountability.
Because It Promotes Good Governance 
by empowering the Attorney General to act as a watchdog for law enforcement and corrections agencies, and aims to restore public trust in law enforcement, particularly in communities that have been disproportionately affected by police misconduct.
Because It Develops Inclusive Policy 
by mandating that the Attorney General consult with various stakeholders, including independent oversight bodies, police unions, and impacted communities, in developing model policies. This ensures that the policies are fair and effective across different contexts.
Because It Makes Efficient Use of Resources 
by requiring the Attorney General to confer with the DOJ and the Office of Independent Investigations to avoid duplicating efforts. This ensures that investigations are coordinated and resources are used efficiently.
Because It Prevents Future Violations 
by allowing the Attorney General to take proactive steps to investigate and address potential violations and prevent misconduct before it escalates, thus protecting communities and maintaining public trust.
Contact Your Representatives Today 
to voice your support for HB 1445 and tell them that we can't afford the escalating cost of police and official misconduct here in the State of Washington 👇
👉 Contact Your Representatives 📱

Please contact your local representatives as soon as possible and tell them that you support HB 1445 because it's time to end police misconduct in Washington now.

My Legal Argument

1) We Need HB 1445 
desperately in order to empower the Attorney General to address police misconduct more broadly, but he already has the narrow authority to act in cases like mine pursuant to RCW 9A.08.030.
2) RCW 9A.08.030 Applies Right Now 
to municipal corporations including police departments, who conduct business through the municipal bid process, pursuant to a non-exhaustive interpretation of the statute's definition of “Entity” as supported by legislative history and a preponderance of interpretative canon.
3) Police Departments are Liable for Misconduct 
when their agents commit or tolerate bona fide conspiracy pursuant to RCW 9A.08.030, including conspiracy to commit false arrest on the basis of mala fide probable cause obtained by spoliation.
This Is an Urgent Plea for the Attorney General 
to investigate and address the police misconduct in my case, because my pro bono counsel is overwhelmed and has missed filing deadlines critical to preserving my constitutional rights 👇
👉 Read the Medium article 📖

Please read and share my Medium article arguing in precise legal detail for why Attorney General Bob Ferguson is already statutorily authorized to act in cases like mine.

Thank You Kindly

To all of my friends, patrons, and supporters who've already signed my petition or otherwise helped me survive throughout these last two years 🙏

  • Andrew Blank
  • BC Nelson
  • Joe Harrington
  • Meaghan Graef
  • Leah Radecki
  • Japa Buckner
  • Larry Yaeger
  • Dennis Charles
  • Brandon Walsh
  • Mattia Cuttini
  • Benjamin Mahala
  • Meredith Kipp
  • Augusta Stoughton
  • Cara Macher
  • Ilan Katin
  • Artizen
  • Oficinas TK
  • zaphodok
  • eddsonline
  • RhizoNymph
  • and so many others...
“If someone as intellectually brilliant and emotionally honest as Ariel can't receive justice, respect, and safety, then our society has failed. I have personal experience with victim-blaming and won't stand for it. I'm begging all of us to do better.”

~ Meaghan Graef, Phoenix, AZ, United States